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Slayer of the Storm God

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Slayer of the Storm God

A Gotrek and Felix Audio Drama

Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask…

It’s Gotrek versus a god! Can the legendary Slayer defeat a slippery sea deity, or will he finally meet his much sought-after doom?

Gotrek and Felix are in the port city of Marienburg when they stumble across a mysterious golden bracelet. Little do they realise that this is the very trinket dedicated to Stromfels – the ancient and evil Storm God - and he wants it back! Our two heroes are attacked by the god's minions and the bracelet is taken from them, but a stubborn and determined Gotrek refuses to relinquish it without a fight. Venturing deep into the Marienburg marshes in pursuit of the thieves, Gotrek and Felix find themselves confronting the embodiment of the Storm God himself.

Written by Nathan Long. Narrated by Danny Webb. Running time 1 hour and 13 minutes (approx).

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