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A Word Bearers story
Marduk and his 34th Host attempt to claim a seemingly derelict Space Marine battleship, only to find their salvage contested by the rotting sons of Mortarion – the Death Guard of the XIV Legion.
It's hot Chaos on Chaos action, with the Word Bearers battling the Death Guard! Not to mention a chance to see what Marduk has been up to since the events of the Word Bearers Omnibus.
When a meeting between two Word Bearers hosts goes awry and the battleship Vox Dominus disappears into the warp, all seems lost. But the vessel reemerges just moments later, looking as though centuries have passed. Venturing inside, Marduk and the 34th Host discover that something foul now infests this once-mighty ship – the diseased and twisted sons of the XIV Legion, the monstrous Death Guard!
Written by Anthony Reynolds