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Fire and Thunder

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Fire and Thunder

Advent Calendar 2018: Day Three

Trapped in an enemy-infested city and hunted by their foes, Commissar Severina Raine and the 11th Antari Rifles must survive by any means if they are to strike back…

It's a tense and claustrophobic story set in the ruins of a shattered city and following a few brave women and men as they fight to survive.

Severina Raine and the 11th Antari Rifles battle in the labyrinthine streets of Balfar, beneath the twin stars known as the Eyes of the Emperor. With the cathedral city of Whend under the control of the Chaos-corrupted Sighted, and the Astra Militarum being pushed back, the situation is desperate. When their fall-back route is destroyed, Raine and her troopers find themselves trapped in the city and desperate to survive – is this the end for them, or can they seize the day and claim victory?

Written by Rachel Harrison

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