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An eldar novel
The first Phoenix Lord battles to prevent the annihilation of a Craftworld – and remembers his first battles, during the long ago Fall of the Eldar.
For the first time, get a glimpse at the horrors of the Fall of the Eldar and find out what drove Asurmen to create the Dire Avengers and start a whole new way of waging war. You also get to see him ten thousand years later, still defending his people from the darkness, and look at what drives him to keep doing so.
The Phoenix Lords are demigods of battle, warriors whose legends span the stars. They are embodiments of the warrior nature of the eldar, and each walks his own path. The first, and greatest, is Asurmen, the Hand of Asuryan. Since he led his people from destruction at the time of the Fall, he has guided his children, the Dire Avengers, in defending the remnants of the eldar as they plan their rise back to galactic dominance. A superlative warrior and peerless leader, Asurmen is one of the greatest hopes of the eldar race.
Written by Gav Thorpe