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A Warhammer 40,000 novel

Led by Librarian Karras, the elite alien-hunting Talon Squad must penetrate a genestealer lair and put the abominations to the flame or face the consequences of an entire planet's extinction.

The Imperium's foremost xenos hunters take centre stage in a novel that showcases their selection, training and the dangerous mission they undertake in defence of the Emperor's realm.


When they first came together, Talon Squad were a disparate group of Space Marines from various Chapters. Under the auspice of the Deathwatch, trained in an ironclad Watch Fortress, they become a kill-team. Alien hunters, experts in xenos extermination, their first mission under the mysterious Inquisitor Sigma is a deadly one. Of all the enemies the Deathwatch face, the genestealers are amongst the fiercest, the most invidious. Led by Brother-Librarian Karras, Talon Squad must penetrate the bowels of a genestealer lair and put the abominations to the flame or face the consequences of an entire planet's extinction.

Written by Steve Parker

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