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A Gotrek Gurnisson Novel

Greywater Fastness – an industrial canker in the heart of Ghyran. Foundries and metalworks pump soot and fire endlessly into the skies of the Realm of Life. Dusty streets hide peril at every turn, and attacks by the Dreadwood Sylvaneth hamper the city’s relentless encroachment.

Gotrek takes on some of his earliest enemies again – the scheming skaven! It may be a different time, and a different world, but the legendary Slayer hasn't lost his knack for dealing with vermin.

Gotrek Gurnisson barges into Greywater Fastness seeking answers as to why his Fyreslayer rune is mysteriously waning. But finding them in the stronghold's clogged and blackened arteries may prove far more difficult than first thought, and with skaven warlocks building something deep underground – something that will cement their place in skavendom forever – Gotrek begins to wonder if he might instead find that which has eluded him these past ages – his doom.

Written by David Guymer. Narrated by Jonathan Keeble. Runtime 9 hours and 34 minutes approx.

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