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A Point of Pride

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A Point of Pride

A Maleneth Witchblade Short Story

Master Assassin Deathmiser Khrut leads a pack of Night Runners to murder a Sigmarite magister who has scryed upon a skaven plot.

Experience the sneaky schemes of a skaven assassin on a deadly mission to silence a Sigmarite magister for good. It's a story as twisting as a skaven's tail, but can Khrut and his pack escape from the dark shadows they usually call home?

As Deathmiser Khrut infiltrates the magister’s ancient citadel, he discovers that another assassin has beaten him to his target. Can he escape the citadel to take credit without the magister’s killer killing him too? And is the murderer a skaven, a daemon, or a certain female Khainite assassin?

Written by Evan Dicken.

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