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A Sisters of Silence Short Story

As the Warmaster’s forces close in on the Sol System and Terra itself, a group of rogue psykers attempt to flee from a more imminent danger – the Sisters of Silence.

The Soulless Queen, Jenetia Krole, makes a surprise appearance in this Horus Heresy short story as a desperate group of rogue psykers attempt to flee the Sol System before the Traitor forces arrive.

On the edges of the Sol System, a ragged group of rogue psykers desperately try to escape the clutches of the Sisters of Silence before the Traitors arrive in the system. Aboard a decrepit mining facility on an asteroid, they are hunted by an unknown monstrosity as they await their salvation. Little do they know, the monstrosity is none other than Jenetia Krole, determined to round them up and take them to the Imperial Palace in preparation for the Unspoken Sanction.

Written by Jude Reid.

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