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Blacktalon: When Cornered

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Blacktalon: When Cornered

Summer of Reading 2018: Day Two

A hunt at its end, Neave Blacktalon would cleave the sorcerer Xerkanos' head from his shoulders – but for the interference of a duardin clan who would avenge the death of their king. But as dark forces gather, the villain may yet escape justice altogether.

You can get a look at what's in store in Andy Clark's forthcoming Blacktalon novel as he tells a tale of the Stormcast Eternals' foremost hunter facing the intransigence of allies and the horrors of Chaos.

For many long months has Neave Blacktalon, greatest of Sigmar's Knights-Azyros, tracked her prey across the Mortal Realms. At last, the sorcerer Xerkanos has been run to ground… yet he has not fallen beneath Blacktalon's twin blades. Captured by a duardin clan whose king he killed, Xerkanos is being transported for trial. But Blacktalon would have her prize – and any conflict between her and the duardin may be moot as dark forces plot to free the sorcerer before the blade can fall…

Written by Andy Clark