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Cold Vigil

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Cold Vigil

A Consecrators Short Story

In the sinister reliquary of the Consecrators, Brother Raqib undergoes a long, dark night of the soul.

See what happens when one of the Emperor’s Angels of Death experiences an unexpected feeling – doubt. Follow the reflections and inner turmoil of a Space Marine following their recent promotion.

Brother Raqib is promoted to Bladeguard of the Consecrators in the aftermath of a brutal campaign. As he looks back on his decisions and the failings that left his battle-brothers dead at the savage claws of monstrous xenos, he begins to question whether he deserves such a great honour. Can he possibly live up to the storied legacy of his Chapter? As the darkness closes in, Raqib is forced to confront every one of his doubts & fears.

Written by Jon Flindall.

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