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The Reservoir of Rot

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The Reservoir of Rot

A Cities of Sigmar Short Story

Great Unclean One Suppuratil leads a Nurgle horde to assault Thellasamin, seeking to corrupt the ley lines beneath the fledgling Sigmarite stronghold to help bring Nurgle’s garden further into the realm.

Discover what happens when a literal seed of Chaos is planted within a city of Sigmar, and see what lengths mortal warriors will go to in order to survive the grimdark Mortal Realms.

The battle of Thellasamin is at a stalemate when the Nurgle forces capture a young knight named Barrek. To ensure his survival and see the Chaos horde leave, all he has to do is plant a seed in the city’s reservoir. He selfishly agrees, and over the years, the city thrives. But there are growing signs of malfeasance – nightmares, missing children, strange sicknesses that defy treatment, and it’s only a matter of time before the forces of Nurgle return.

Written by Ian Green.

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