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Fire Warrior

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Fire Warrior

A Tau Empire novel

Amidst the war and destruction of the grim far future, the fledgling Tau Empire has but one aim - to unite the galaxy under its benevolent banner.

It's a classic novel, originally published in 2003 and based on the story from the Fire Warrior video game. It was the first novel to be seen through the eyes of a tau and explore the Greater Good from the inside.


Amidst the war and destruction of the grim far future, the fledgling Tau Empire has but one aim - to unite the galaxy under its benevolent banner. But when one of the Tau's ruling elite crash lands behind Imperial battle lines, it falls to Kais, a young Fire Warrior, to attempt a desperate rescue mission and offer his life for the greater good. But as the mission begins and the death count rises, Kais quickly learns that the brutal reality of battle is a far cry from the training grounds of his home world.

Written by Simon Spurrier

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