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A Doom of Gotrek Gurnisson short story

Gotrek and Felix lead a ragtag army south in search of the Empire and Felix's family. But what remains of the heroes' broken friendship, and can it be repaired?


It's an onslaught of battle in this short story. Fan favourites Gotrek and Felix reunite in the middle of a great battle. This reunion isn't as happy as you would suspect though. It's just as tense as the battle surrounding the heroes.

The End Times are coming. Their friendship in tatters after a series of betrayals, Gotrek Gurnission and Felix Jaeger lead a ragtag army south in search of the Empire and Felix's family. Felix yearns to reclaim his place as the Slayer's Rememberer, but another, the Kislevite Kolya, has taken up that duty. What remains of the heroes' broken relationship, and can it be repaired?

Written by David Guymer

This story takes place between the events of Kinslayer and Slayer.

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