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Great Red

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Great Red

Part 3 of the Knights of Vengeance audio drama series

In the Sea of Bones, the Hallowed Knights and their allies meet a worthy foe – and a possible ally – in the mighty Great Red and his Ironjawz horde

It's normal for orruks to be nothing more than antagonists, hordes of green enemies for our heroes to smite. This audio drama shows a new side of the greenskins...

The hunt for Mannfred von Carstein takes the Hallowed Knights and Astral Templars far into the hazardous Sea of Bones. It is here that Ramus of the Shadowed Soul and Vandalus, the ‘King of Dust’, meet a worthy foe: the Ironjawz. Led by the fearsome Great Red, this orruk tribe sees the intrusion of the Stormcasts as a challenge. War against the orruks would threaten their mission, so Ramus and Vandalus set out to broker an alliance – but Ironjawz only value strength and, to appease their savage nature, the Hallowed Knights and the Astral Templars must prove they are mighty enough to be considered allies...

Written by David Guymer. Running time 74 minutes. Performed by Gareth Armstrong, John Banks, Ian Brooker, Steve Conlin, Jonathan Keeble, Stephen Perring and Luis Soto.

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