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Ork Hunter

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Ork Hunter

An Astra Militarum short story

In the ork-haunted jungles of Armageddon, an indentured corporal assigned to the Armageddon Ork Hunters discovers that in order to survive, he must be as brutal and cunning as his enemy.

Dan Abnett brings us a tale that gets deep into the jungles of Armageddon and deep into the head of a soldier of the Astra Militarum serving there.

Corporal Ondy Scalber of the Jopall Indentured Squadrons finds himself assigned to the Armageddon Ork Hunters as 'skinbait', and is quickly inducted in their savage way of war. With the dense jungles of the hive world swarming with greenskins, Scalber learns that in order to survive he must be as brutal as those being hunted...

Written by Dan Abnett

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