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A Sabbat Worlds short story

Long before the events of the Gaunt's Ghosts novels, Warmaster Slaydo leads a daring assault on the commander of the Chaos forces in the Sabbat Worlds.

It's a pivotal moment in the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, talked about in the Gaunt's Ghosts books and seen here for the first time…


Long before the founding of the Tanith First, the Sabbat Worlds campaign rests on a knife-edge. On the world of Balhaut, Warmaster Slaydo leads the Imperial forces against the stronghold of Archon Nadzybar, the Archenemy's supreme commander. With his Silver Kindred bodyguard at his side, Slaydo challenges the mighty Chaos champion. The result of this combat will decide the fate of the Sabbat Worlds.

Written by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. This story also appears in the anthology Sabbat Worlds.