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Tallarn: Book 45


Tallarn: Book 45

The Horus Heresy Book 45

The Iron Warriors came from nowhere, falling upon the world of Tallarn in a flash and devastating it with deadly virus weapons. A verdant world was transformed in a heartbeat into a radioactive wasteland... but that was only the beginning.

It's a collection of all John French's tales from Tallarn… do you really need any more convincing? Okay then. Millions of tanks clashing in desperate battle on a dying world.

As the Warmaster's campaign of galactic domination continues, his generals seek out fresh battlefields to conquer. After leaving the Crone World of Iydris behind, Perturabo strikes for Tallarn. A bitter, vengeful primarch, the lord of the Iron Warriors unleashes a deadly bombardment against the world, killing millions but entrenching the survivors. A brutal, all-consuming armoured conflict ensues, the greatest of the war, and one that grinds down all combatants over more than a year of relentless battles. But Perturabo's reasons for the attack are about more than unleashing punitive destruction against the Imperium - he has an entirely darker purpose in mind.

Written by John French
Total audiobook running time is 12 hours 54 minutes. Narrated by Jonathan Keeble and Peter Wickham.

The contents of this novel were previously published separately as the novella Tallarn: Executioner, the novel Tallarn: Ironclad, and the short stories 'Tallarn: Siren' and 'Tallarn: Witness'.

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