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A Warhammer Horror audio
In the harshest of times, even the most faithful can walk in dark places – as Arch-Deacon Ambrose discovers when drought and plague sweep through his city.
In the grim darkness of the far future, gods are real and faith is rewarded. Discover what happens when that faith is misplaced and light becomes darkness.
The planet of Theotokos is dying. Drought has wiped out all but the capital city of Magerit. Worse, an outbreak of a terrible plague, known as the Grey Tears, ravages its populace. Only the charismatic Arch-Deacon Ambrose stands in the way of desperation and anarchy. But as the plague rampages through the streets, murdering its victims with unnatural symptoms, Ambrose struggles to confront the appalling measures he must take to save his people.
Written by David Annandale.
Narrated by Christopher Kent. Running time approximately 5 hours 41 minutes