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The Great Maw

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The Great Maw

An Ogre Kingdoms short story

Who was Groth Onefinger? Legends tell of his importance to the ogre race and the part he played in the great tragedy that nearly destroyed them. But what is the truth of his tale...?

It goes back to the origins of the Ogre Kingdoms and reveals the truth behind one of their most revered figures.

Legends tell of the origins of the ogre race and their mysterious god. Many of these tales centre around the mythical figure of Groth Onefinger. Here is one such saga, recounting the story of the great cataclysm that overtook the ogres and drove them from their lands, of the birth of a great and hungry deity that drives all of that savage race to fits of incredible greed, and of Groth, the saviour of the ogre race and first prophet of the Great Maw.

Written by L J Goulding