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The Warden in the Mountain

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The Warden in the Mountain

A Warhammer Age of Sigmar story

Greatwarden Tythrae takes a band of aspirants on a test that will push them to their limits, as they experience the horrors of the Beastgrave.

Discover how the natives of Ghur view the mighty peak known as the Beastgrave, and get a glimpse at the dangers that await those who would venture inside…

In the Realm of Beasts, the Wardens-in-the-wild patrol the dark places of the realm, battling the hungry monsters of Ghur and keeping the land safe for civilised folk. Greatwarden Tythrae is one such hero, and to her falls the task of taking aspirants on their final test before they join this exalted band. Together, she and her wards climb the great mountain known as the Allpeak. There they will face a challenge that will push them to their limits, and beyond, testing them body and soul. For the mountain lives and is more than just a piece of the landscape. It is a slumbering god, a place of majesty and horror. It is the Beastgrave.

Written by Eric Gregory

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