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The Word of the Silent King

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The Word of the Silent King

A Blood Angels short story 

The Blood Angels and necrons, locked in a long and bitter war for the fate of the Gehenna system, are both endangered by the arrival of the monstrous tyranids. When the Silent King himself makes overtures of alliance, Commander Dante of the Blood Angels enacts a dangerous plan that could rid the Imperium of the Silent King forever…

One of Warhammer 40,000's great mysteries is explored. Why did The Blood Angels ally with the ancient evil of the necrons at Devil's Crag? And maybe more to the point, why didn't the tireless aliens turn on the Space Marines when the battle was won? This story may have the answers.


The Blood Angels and necrons, locked in a long and bitter war for the fate of the Gehenna system, are both endangered by the arrival of the monstrous tyranids. When the Silent King himself makes overtures of alliance, Commander Dante of the Blood Angels enacts a dangerous plan that could rid the Imperium of the Silent King forever - but when the two leaders meet at Devil's Crag, everything changes.

Written by L J Goulding. This story also appears in the The Everliving Legion.

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