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Shade of Khaine

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Shade of Khaine

A Maleneth Witchblade Audiobook

Abandoned by her allies and hunted by the Order of Azyr, master assassin Maleneth Witchblade searches for purpose in a place from her past: Nightcliff, the City of Echoes.

Maleneth Witchblade steps out from Gotrek Gurnisson's shadow in her first full-length solo adventure! Of course, she soon finds other shadows as she sneaks around Nightcliff, seeking to avenge her sisters.

Maleneth's return to the City of Echoes is not a happy one – Nightcliff has collapsed into violent, decadent debauchery. Khaine himself is usurped, and her precious coven lies in tatters.

Accompanied by an ogor mercenary and a Kharadron anarchist, Maleneth sets out to avenge her sisters, but soon finds herself embroiled in a conspiracy, the ramifications of which threaten not just the city, but the Realm of Shadow itself. To stop it, she must ascend to the blood-soaked summit of Nightcliff’s Bladed Spire, and face an enemy of sky-cracking power before time itself slips out of reach.

Written by Evan Dicken. Narrated by Penelope Rawlins. Runtime 10 hours and 58 minutes approx.

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