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Rynn's World

Warhammer 40,000

Rynn's World

A Space Marines Battles Novel

When ork hordes lay waste to the planet of Badlanding and wipe out the Crimson Fists sent to stop them, Chapter Master Kantor prepares a hasty line of defence on Rynn's World.

One of the most famous events in Warhammer 40,000 history is explored in depth. See the fall and rise of the Crimson Fists, as they battle orks on their home world.

When the ork hordes of Warlord Snagrod lay waste to the planet of Badlanding and wipe out the Crimson Fists Space Marines sent to halt their advance, Chapter Master Pedro Kantor must prepare the defense of the Chapter's home planet, Rynn's World. Tragedy strikes when an errant missile destroys the Space Marines' Chapter monastery, killing many of their remaining warriors. With only a handful of Crimson Fists left, Kantor must fight the campaign of his life, to defeat Snagrod's orks and prevent his Chapter's annihilation.

Written by Steve Parker. Read by Greg Jones. Running time is 11hrs 47 mins (approximately).

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