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Wrath of The Lost

Warhammer 40,000

Wrath of The Lost

A Flesh Tearers Novel

Having secured Baal, the Flesh Tearers receive timely reinforcements from the Indomitus Crusade. In that moment of hope, however, they realise they've not heard from their now isolated homeworld of Cretacia in far too long…

The Flesh Tearers are Sanguinius' wrath writ in flesh and blood. Spared extinction thanks to reinforcements from the Indomitus Crusade, they are the vanguard of the Angelic Host, securing Baal and its neighbouring worlds for the Great Angels and the Imperium. Yet in fulfilling their oath to the Lord of the Blood, they have isolated themselves from their homeworld, Cretacia – and there has been no word from the garrison left to hold it.

Ordered by Gabriel Seth to secure Cretacia, Chaplain Dumah and Apothecary Barachial set course for the Flesh Tearers' homeworld. But when they finally lay eyes on it once more, will they find a garrison standing firm, or a desolate wasteland scoured by their enemies? The Space Marines must walk in the footsteps of their chapter's mythic founder, and along the way they will learn what it means to embrace the Wrath of the Lost – or die trying.

Written by Chris Forrester. Narrated by Richard Reed. Running Time approx 15 hours and 2 minutes.

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