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Warhammer 40,000


Book 1 of the Chronicles of Uriel Ventris

Newly promoted Ultramarines Captain Uriel Ventris is assigned to investigate Pavonis, an Imperial planet plagued by civil disorder and renegade eldar raiders.

Here is where the legend begins: the first mission of Uriel Ventris as captain of the Ultramarines Fourth Company.

Newly promoted to the captaincy of the Ultramarines Fourth Company, Uriel Ventris leads his warriors to the world of Pavonis, where vicious alien raiders are bringing death and destruction. As Pavonis descends into political turmoil, Uriel and his warriors must battle the xenos as they unravel a plot to unleash an ancient evil buried deep beneath the world – the mysterious and deadly Nightbringer.

Written by Graham McNeill. Running time approx 9 hours 49 minutes. Narrated by Bruce Mackinnon

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