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Ravenor Rogue

Warhammer 40,000

Ravenor Rogue

Volume three of the Ravenor series

In direct contravention of Inquisition orders, Ravenor and his team go rogue, in relentless pursuit of their quarry in a hunt that has become an obsession.

The trilogy comes to a thrilling conclusion as Ravenor closes in on his prey... but the real danger proves to be from within. One of the inquisitor's closest allies is working against him... but who?

Inquisitor Ravenor continues his persecution of the arch-heretic Zygmunt Molotch – a hunt that has, for him, now become an obsession. In direct contravention of Inquisition orders, Ravenor and his team go rogue, in relentless pursuit of their quarry. Thrown through time and space, pitted against enemies of limitless power and cunning, just how much will Ravenor and his team have to sacrifice to save the day?

Written by Dan Abnett.
Running time 12 hours and 31 minutes. Narrated by Toby Longworth.

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