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Guns Of The Black Eagle

C L Werner

Guns Of The Black Eagle

A Warhammer Age of Sigmar audio short

A mid-air showdown between two Kharadron Endrinmasters turns deadly serious as each uses obscure parts of the Kharadron code – and a fair amount of cheating – to try and achieve victory.

It's a uniquely twisted audio drama showcasing the, er, more flexible side of the Kharadron code.

Disputes between Kharadron Overlords sky-captains are common – and some lead to outright conflict. Such is the case as the Black Eagle is bombarded by its sister ship of Barak-Zilfin, the feared Skarskorr's Glory. But this is more than just a battle of arms. The wits of the skyvessels' captains – and their knowledge of the obscure tenets of the Kharadron code – will be tested, and only the most knowledgable, determined and, perhaps, willing to cheat will see victory…

Written by C L Werner

Running time 20 Minutes. Performed by John Banks, Steve Conlin & David Seddon.