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C L Werner
Part eight in the Space Wolves Quick Reads series
The concluding chapter in Ulrik the Slayer’s mission to liberate Logan Grimnar from his Chaos captors brings the sons of Fenris into the Eye of Terror itself...
It's the final part and the final battle for the fate of the Space Wolves. All the threads from the series tie together in a final apocalytic showdown.
Ulrik the Slayer and Krom Dragongaze have traced the missing Logan Grimnar to a planet within the Eye of Terror. Beset by Chaos forces and the twisted landscape of the world, the Space Wolves must overcome their own doubts in order to reach their destination. But when they do, they are faced with an enemy so powerful it seems the quest to find the Great Wolf may have been in vain... until aid comes from a wholly unexpected quarter.
Written by C L Werner