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Into Exile

Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Into Exile

A Horus Heresy short story

When the traitorous allies of Horus and Kelbor-Hal seized Mars, the visionary adept Arkhan Land became a man marked for death. As his world crumbles around him, whom can he trust?

Finally, for the first time ever, you'll see the story behind one of the most famous names in the Imperium – Arkhan Land, whose name is on some of the Imperium's most powerful and revered weapons. Oh, and the events of this story tie in to 'The Master of Mankind'…

When the traitorous allies of Horus and Kelbor-Hal seized Mars, they sent elite hunters to apprehend key targets and ensure that any loyal resistance would fail. One such target was the legendary technoarchaeologist Arkhan Land, the discoverer of many lost treasures and curiosities from mankind's Golden Age - and the Imperial Fists cannot allow such a valuable mind to fall into the hands of the enemy. Does Land have good reason to fear his apparent saviours?

Written by Aaron Demsbki-Bowden

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