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Deus Ex Mechanicus

Andy Chambers

Deus Ex Mechanicus

A Warhammer 40,000 story

On the dead world of Naogeddon, mysterious tombs, missing explorators and deadly defenders cause trouble for the Adeptus Mechanicus. But the biggest danger might come from within…

Ancient tombs, walking metal skeletons and the Adeptus Mechanicus meddling in things they shouldn't – it's a classic set-up with one hell of a twist.

Adeptus Mechanicus explorators have unearthed something ancient on the dead world of Naogeddon… something ancient and utterly deadly. Lakias Danzager of the Adeptus Mechanicus is investigating the ancient tombs uncovered by the now-missing explorators – but are his allies all that they seem? And just what are the walking metal skeletons defending the find? The necrons are rising and doom is at hand.

Written by Andy Chambers

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