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Trial by Blood

Andy Smillie

Trial by Blood

A Flesh Tearers anthology

Gabriel Seth is on trial for his life, and for the very existence of his Chapter. The Flesh Tearers stand accused of deviancy and brutality beyond that which can be tolerated. As Seth recounts his history, the Masters of other Blood Angels Successor Chapters must decide the fate of the Flesh Tearers.

This tale explores the dark nature of the Flesh Tearers, the most brutal descendants of the Primarch Sanguinius. See the harsh choices that have lead to this Chapter being seen as little better than traitors by their loyal brothers, and the lengths to which Chapter Master Gabriel Seth has gone to to battle both the enemies of man, and the rage that haunts his bloodline.


Gabriel Seth is on trial for his life, and for the very existence of his Chapter. The Flesh Tearers, scions of Sanguinius and cousins to the noble Blood Angels, stand accused of deviancy and brutality beyond that which can be tolerated. As Seth recounts his history of defending the Imperium, his judges – the Masters of other Blood Angels Successor Chapters – must decide the fate of the Flesh Tearers.

Written by Andy Smillie

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