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A Horus Heresy anthology
Ten tales of the Tenth and their Shattered Legions allies bring the brutal guerilla war to life as the Sons of Horus hunt the leader of the insurgency – the infamous Shadrak Meduson.
After a year of being exclusive to Warhammer World, now everyone can read these tales of the Shattered Legions, by some of Black Library's top authors. And if that wasn't exciting enough, there's a brand new tale by Chris Wraight.
Driven almost to the brink of self-destruction by the death of Ferrus Manus, the Iron Hands now seek vengeance for the many horrors of Isstvan V. Gathering survivors from the Raven Guard and the Salamanders aboard any vessels capable of warp travel, they wage a new campaign of annihilation against the traitor forces across the galaxy - a campaign masterminded by legendary warleader Shadrak Meduson.