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Dark Apostle

Anthony Reynolds

Dark Apostle

Book 1 in the Word Bearers series

Driven on by dark visions, Dark Apostle Jarulek of the Word Bearers Chaos Space Marine Legion and his force lay waste to the imperial planet of Tanakreg.

It's the start of a series based around the twisted zealots of the Word Bearers... and everyone loves an apocalyptically evil warband of depraved Chaos Space Marines going about their business, right?


Driven on by dark visions, Dark Apostle Jarulek of the Word Bearers Chaos Space Marine legion and his force lay waste to the imperial planet of Tanakreg. After brutally enslaving the population, they set them to work building a monstrous tower. But what is the Word Bearers' vile purpose, and can they achieve it before the Imperial forces arrive to reclaim the planet?

Written by Anthony Reynolds

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