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Khârn: Eater of Worlds

Anthony Reynolds

Khârn: Eater of Worlds

The Horus Heresy is over. The World Eaters are leaderless and their greatest hero is in a coma. Poised on the brink of destruction, the Legion needs Khârn – but will his awakening save them, or spell their doom?

Khârn is one of the most iconic figures in the Warhammer 40,000 setting, the epitome of Khorne's mortal servants. In this story, you can witness his transition from the Captain of the World Eaters Eighth Company who stood against the Emperor during the Horus Heresy, to the Blood-mad betrayer that he becomes.

The Horus Heresy is over and the Traitor Legions have scattered, fleeing the wrath of a vengeful Imperium. The World Eaters are leaderless, their primarch missing and their greatest hero, Khârn, in a coma. The surviving World Eaters have turned upon themselves, the Butcher's Nails driving them to ever greater acts of berserk savagery. Poised on the brink of destruction, the Legion needs a leader. It needs Khârn – but will his awakening save them, or doom them entirely?

Written by Anthony Reynolds. Audiobook running time 6 hours 35 minutes. Read by Richard Reed.

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