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Chris Wraight


A Death Guard story

Vorx, captain of the Death Guard, has faced many trials and many foes in the long years of his service to Mortarion. On Terra, one wrong done to him years before will finally be made right…

Get new insights into the Death Guard who followed Mortarion from his rebellion on Barbarus all the way to Terra, and discover what they will do out of loyalty to their primarch.

Vorx, captain of the second cohort from the Death Guard Legion's third company, has been by his primarch's side for many years. From the beginnings of Mortarion's rebellion against the Pale Kings on Barbarus, to the mighty wars of the Great Crusade, to the walls of the Imperial Palace itself, he has fought, silent and implacable. Even when faced the scorn of warriors from other Space Marine Legions, he has been silent. On Terra, his silence will end, as he faces a warrior he first encountered many years before on a distant battlefield.

Written by Chris Wraight

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