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Ghosts & Bad Shadows

Dan Abnett

Ghosts & Bad Shadows

A Sabbat Crusade story

A simple supply run turns deadly for Gol Kolea and his Ghosts when they are, somewhat appropriately, haunted by something deadly…

It's a deeply creepy story that gets very personal for Gol Kolea and ties very strongly in to the events to come. Trust us, this is one you want to read before Anarch…

As they travel from distant Salvation's Reach back to the front lines of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, Gaunt's Ghosts make a stop to resupply. On the forest moon of Aigor 991, an Imperial Navy cache awaits them. But that's not all that's waiting for them. As Gol Kolea leads a force to get the supplies, he discovers a creature – or something – on Aigor 991 that knows who they are, what's behind them… and most worryingly, what awaits them.

Written by Dan Abnett

This story originally appeared in the anthology Sabbat Crusade.

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