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Warhammer Chronicles: The Orion Trilogy

Darius Hinks

Warhammer Chronicles: The Orion Trilogy

A Warhammer Chronicles omnibus

Orion is the forest king, lord of Athel Loren and guardian spirit of all that the asrai – the mysterious wood elves – hold dear. Across three novels, he faces old enemies and new dangers, and must call on all his powers and allies if he is to save himself and the ancient forest he calls home.

Darius Hinks explores both the culture of the Wood Elves and the cycle of life and death their spiritual leader endures each year – and the dangers that his death and rebirth bring to Athel Loren and its people.

Every year, following the long winter, King Orion awakens to reign over the forest kingdom of Athel Loren. But now, as he slowly rouses from his torpor, he realises that a terrible evil has taken hold of him; that his eternal mind has been cursed. Stricken by an uncontrollable rage, he leads his Asrai to war in order to discover the origin of this abominable plot. As the corruption spreads and his powers diminish, he will have to put his fate in the hands of his most loyal subjects, and entrust them with the mission of unmasking the traitors hiding among their ranks.

Written by Darius Hinks

The Vaults of Winter
Tears of Isha
The Council of Beasts

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