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13th Legion

Gav Thorpe

13th Legion

Book 1 of the Last Chancers series

Of all the many penal legions of the Astra Militarum, the 13th have a special reputation – under the command of the fierce Colonel Schaeffer, they always get the job done, no matter the cost…

Discover what it's like to live (and die) in a penal legion, through the eyes of Lieutentant Kage, one of the most vile, selfish and strangely heroic characters in Warhammer 40,000 fiction.

Across a hundred blasted war-zones upon a dozen bloody worlds, the convict soldiers of the 13th Penal Legion fight a desperate battle for redemption in the eyes of the immortal Emperor. In this endless war against savage orks, merciless eldar and the insidious threat of Chaos, Lieutenant Kage and the Last Chancers must fight, not to win, but merely to survive!

Written by Gav Thorpe

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