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Lantern's Light

James Swallow

Lantern's Light

A Primarchs story

After a year in the Imperium, Mortarion has yet to lead his sons in battle – and is still unsure of his place in this galactic empire. Will a meeting with the Emperor ease his doubts, or harden his distaste for his new situation?

Mortarion's early years are fascinating, and this tale not only delves into his deepest doubts and fears, and sows the seeds of his later treachery, but also shows how difficult his relationship with the Emperor was from the very beginning – and how he came by his infamous pistol, the Lantern.

One year after the coming of the Emperor to Barbarus, Mortarion and his Legion – the newly renamed Death Guard – have yet to strike out and join the Great Crusade. The primarch is wracked with doubts about his place in this Imperium of Man, and still angry that the Emperor robbed him of his vengeance against the alien father who raised and tortured him. When he is summoned to attend the Emperor on his flagship, will his resentment spill out and threaten the relationship between them? Or will the Deathlord master his emotions and embrace the Emperor's light?

Written by James Swallow

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