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Nick Kyme
A Salamanders short story
On the anniversary of their alliance on the killing fields of Armageddon, Chapter Masters Tu'Shan of the Salamanders and Dante of the Blood Angels meet once more. But the curse of the Blood Angels disrupts their meeting and threatens both their futures…
It's a look at the nature of the Salamanders through a very different lens, as they are contrasted with the secretive and cursed Blood Angels – and it brings two Chapter Masters to blows!
To honour their past victories and the bond between them, the Blood Angels and Salamanders meet on Hecatomb to exchange trophies of war. So august a gathering is this that both Dante and Tu'Shan, the respective Chapter Masters of their Space Marine brotherhoods, are present. But what begins as a fraternal exchange of cultures turns nightmarish as the Blood Angels unwittingly unleash something they had thought long vanquished and their darker natures with it.
Written by Nick Kyme