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Robbie MacNiven
A Call of Chaos short story
What secret lurks in the heart of the Basilica of Himaeus the Justicar? And how will it change the life of novitiate Ulix?
It's a tale of mystery and intrigue in the heart of an Imperial temple that turns into something quite different – and very dangerous. Dark and twisted, to say anything else would give it away completely.
In the Basilica of Himaeus the Justicar, nursing his latest beating from Bishop Eziah, young Ulix waits for Sister D’Fey to come and sing to him the only song that can ease his pain. He knows not why the other boys in the dorm hate her presence – nor does he care. When she sings the Song for the Lost, all his fears are soothed. As her voice lulls him to sleep, he cannot know that in his desire to escape the hardships of his life, he walks a path to an even darker future.
Written by Robbie MacNiven