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Steve Lyons
Part three of the Space Wolves Quick Reads series
The Space Wolves run into a new enemy – a raiding force of dark eldar! With Krom Dragongaze captured, Ulrik is forced to set aside his mission and enter the webway to rescue him…
This instalment balances the good and the bad for Ulrik the Slayer. On the plus side, he's saved from death by the arrival of an unexpected (but very welcome) ally... but when a dark eldar raid disrupts his battle with the tau, the future looks bleak...
While fighting tau on a desolate planet in the Eastern Fringe, the Space Wolves run into a new enemy – a raiding force of dark eldar! Ever rash and over confident, Krom Dragongaze takes one too many risks, becomes separated from his men, and captured. Ulrik is now forced to set aside his mission to find Logan Grimnar, and go in search of the headstrong young wolf lord in a journey that will take the Space Wolves into an unknown and dangerous dimension – the eldar webway.