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Sons of the Hydra


Sons of the Hydra

An Alpha Legion Audiobook

In the hostile universe of the 41st Millennium, where allegiances are ever fickle, few of the Emperor’s sons are more difficult to understand or predict than the Alpha Legion.

It's a story about the sneakiest and most oblique of traitors, written by Rob Sanders, master of the twisty-turny tale. It's sure to make your head spin…

Branded traitor since the Heresy, the motives and actions of the Alpha Legion have always been shrouded in mystery. Alpha Legionnaire Occam the Untrue leads his warband out of its hunting grounds in the Maelstrom on an epic quest for salvation, not just for himself, but for his whole Legion. With the forces of the Inquisition snapping at their heels, Occam and his followers must use all their guile and considerable martial prowess as they make their way to the cold heart of the galaxy, to a confrontation that no one, least of all Occam himself, could have foreseen.

Written by Rob Sanders. Narrated by Tom Alexander. Runtime 9 hours and 32 minutes approx.

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