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Gotrek & Felix: Myths and Legends

Gotrek Gurnisson

Gotrek & Felix: Myths and Legends

A Gotrek & Felix curio

This collection features three stories of the renowned Trollslayer Gotrek and his human companion, taking them from a haunted castle in Sylvania to the battlefields of the Empire to the Worlds Edge Mountains, where dark creatures dwell.

These three short tales by William King were originally published in long out of print Warhammer supplements. Don't try to figure out where they fall in Gotrek and Felix's adventures - they don't. They are presented here as a look at how the pair were used in Warhammer Army Books in the years before Black Library turned them into the stars of a long-running novel series.

Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask...

Many tales are told around campfires and in taverns of the heroic adventures of Gotrek and Felix. Some are true, some are exaggerated, and some are simply myths and legends. This collection features three stories of the renowned Trollslayer and his human companion, taking them from a haunted castle in Sylvania to the battlefields of the Empire, to the Worlds Edge Mountains, where dark creatures dwell.

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