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Sabbat Crusade: Arnogaur

Ibram Gaunt

Sabbat Crusade: Arnogaur

A Sabbat Crusade story

Death stalks the Blood Pact – one of their own has been killed by a friend. It falls to Nautakah Arnogaur to discover the culprit, and deliver punishment.

It's a consummately well-crafted mystery story that, once you've finished it, you'll want to immediately read again to see the clues you missed…

Urdesh is one of the most vital planets in the Sabbat Worlds. For the Blood Pact, elite troops of the campaign to seize the world for Chaos, every warrior counts. So when one of their number is found dead, killed in a way that could only be the work of other Blood Pact, Nautakah Arnogaur is summoned to discover the culprits. And he is well placed to do so, for Nautakah Arnogaur is no ordinary member of that blood-soaked brotherhood…

Written by Aaron Dembski-Bowden

This story originally appeared in the anthology Sabbat Crusade.

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