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Tears of Raphaela


Tears of Raphaela

A Lamenters Short Story

The Lamenters have twice been brought to the brink of destruction, first during the Badab War and later in battle against the overwhelming horror of Hive Fleet Kraken. Each time, they have endured despite the curse thought to afflict their Chapter’s gene-seed – and now, one finds a chance for revenge.

Join the last Space Marine survivor of a desperate defence of a beleaguered Imperial city, as he stalks his prey through the ruins – not just for victory anymore, but also in search of redemption and vengeance.

In the ruins of an Imperial city, Eliminator Ramethos of the Lamenters Chapter hunts the winged tyranid leader-beast that has wreaked havoc on this world. His Chapter plagued by whispers of curses, his brethren cut down by this foul xenos and its skittering kin, Ramethos must operate alone. It will take all of his cunning and determination to avoid the omnipresent swarms, track down his prey, and disrupt the hive mind by delivering a deadly final shot.

Written by Richard Swan.

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