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Our Lady of the Voyage

Adepta Sororitas

Our Lady of the Voyage

An Adepta Sororitas Short Story

Steadfast in their adherence to tradition and indomitable in combat, the Sisters of the Order of the Ebon Chalice seek to perfect the martial disciplines of the Daughters of the Emperor. They employ tactics that have been honed over millennia to annihilate the enemies of the Imperium.

Find out what happens when the citizens of an ancient generator-fortress are declared heretical for the sin of idolatry. Amid a brutal siege, an impetuous Sister of the Order of the Ebon Chalice finds her faith and discipline tested to their very limits.

Sister Wulfryth must learn humility and cooperation by working with an Astra Militarum soldier on a vital mission to recover a missing preacher and a sacred relic. But what if they don't want to be recovered?

Written by Kate Flack.

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