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The Bridge of Seven Sorrows

Stormcast Eternals

The Bridge of Seven Sorrows

Part 4 of the Hunt for Nagash

Finally, the Hallowed Knights reach their goal: the underworlds of Shyish and an audience with Nagash himself. On the Bridge of Seven Sorrows, Lord-Celestant Tarsus will meet his destiny.

A battered and broken force of Stormcast Eternals, a sly and treacherous vampire, and the Supreme Lord of the Undead himself... not the start of a joke, but the situation here. And what happens certainly isn't funny for the Hallowed Knights...

At last, the great search for the Nine Gates is over as Tarsus and the Hallowed Knights reach the lair of the Great Necromancer himself, Nagash. Here, in the dark hollows of one of the underworlds of Shyish, the Stormcast Eternals will meet their fate. As they stand in the shadow of death, they must trust that their vampiric guide, Mannfred von Carstein, has not played them false.

Written by Josh Reynolds

This story is also available as an MP3 audio drama, and in the Realmgate Wars anthology Mortarch of Night.