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The Hardest Word

Stormcast Eternals

The Hardest Word

Summer of Reading: Day Two

When Hamicar Bear-Eater, self-styled greatest of all Sigmar's heroes, must defend the critical Seven Words, he does so in typically bombastic style.

It's a preview of a new novel you can expect from David Guymer next year, starring a character David describes as "the Age of Sigmar equivalent of Ciaphas Cain"…

Hamilcar Bear-Eater, greatest hero (in his own words) of Sigmar’s armies, is the latest in a long line of castellans to hold the critical yet precarious stronghold of the Seven Words. With skaven threatening, Hamilcar can conceive only one sure way to hold the Seven Words – to challenge the entire horde to single combat.

Written by David Guymer

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