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Ciaphas Cain
Book 4 of the Ciaphas Cain series
Once again, reluctant hero Commissar Cain is catapulted into glory. Escaping from a disastrous space battle, the commissar and Jurgen crash-land behind enemy lines.
It's a tale of Cain alone (well, except for Jurgen, but he hardly counts), surrounded by enemies and desperate for a good cup of tanna tea…
Once again, reluctant hero Commissar Cain is catapulted into glory in the fourth instalment of this tremendously popular series. Escaping from a disastrous space battle, the commissar and his malodorous sidekick Jurgen crash-land behind enemy lines. Even the sly Cain can't avoid a straight fight this time, as the only way out is to round up what few troops they can find and fight their way back to safety. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of barbaric alien orks stand in their way.
Written by Sandy Mitchell